Mr. King of the Universe

Monday, February 26, 2007

Bobby Wallace

My charactor's name is Bobby Wallace and he is a 68 year old man who lives with his wife in the rundown Hotel. He was once a professional golfer that is always living in the past. He lost a big golf tournament a long time ago and regrets it everyday. He is really hard to get along with and plays golf at the golf course a long way away. He is really cocky and no one wants to hear his stories of the good days.

Bobby Wallace

My charactor's name is Bobby Wallace and he is a 68 year old man who lives with his wife in the rundown Hotel. He was once a professional golfer that is always living in the past. He lost a big golf tournament a long time ago and regrets it everyday. He is really hard to get along with and plays golf at the golf course a long way away. He is really cocky and no one wants to hear his stories of the good days.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Live or Die in LA

If I had the choice between living a short life, but be famous for 2000 years or live a long quiet life; I would choose the long quiet life. I think that even if you are famous it still would make a big difference in the world. I don't think that It would matter that some one in year 4000 says "remember that guy that who did that thing." I believe it would matter more to me that I lived a long happy life. I think that life is only meant to live long and happy. There are a few exceptions to this, but I think life is precious and you are not meant to die young.

The Things You Carry

If I were to be drafted into the army I would take these 10 items:

1. I-Pod, because music sooths me and I would feel more calm about the situation.
2. A golf ball, because I love golf and It would comfort me to think about playing golf.
3. Pictures of Family, thats pretty self-explanatory.
4. Fried Chicken, because it tastes good and its a comfort food.
5. A mini-fan, for the hot weather.
6. A book, to pass the time by.
7. A game boy, also to pass the time by.
8. A rabbit's foot , for good luck.
9. A four leaf clover, for good luck.
10. A journal, recollecting events that happened to me in war.